Think in roadmaps

  • Create service roadmaps for each product and group
  • Review product roadmaps regularly
  • Seek opportunities for functional integration
  • Create a roll-up roadmap to stay aligned and fast-track high-impact initiatives
  • Think OKRs – there is no better tool

Unit economics

  • Create guidelines for product development and optimization
  • For example: set ideal ARPU, minimum margins, minimum entry-level price tags, break-even point, automaton requirement, fulfillment requirements, etc – create foundational guidelines (a constitution) on which everything is built


  • Measure and keep yourself accountable
  • Too easy! Or is it?

Pick up speed

  • With roadmaps and a unit constitution in place, you can move faster
  • To flip the now overused tech mantra: Move fast and fix things!

Connect your ecosystem

  • Build your ecosystem into a SaaS platform if possible
  • If not strive to create a service model that is simple and ideally lives in one system