“A book is like a garden carried in the pocket” – Proverb

The books that have largely shaped my thinking

A few books that offer profound insights into the workings of life, work, and the world.

The list starts with some books on behavioral psychology especially as it relates to work and managing people. This is a theme throughout as it is of interest to me and underlines just about everything we do at home and work.

The theme of organizational culture is next on the list. For me, this is the soil for building good governments and companies alike.

Books on leadership, measuring success, management systems, negotiating, personal drive and habits, and the role of chance are next – they support the above themes. These are pillars that support culture and organizational frameworks.

Next, come books on a range of topics that I find interesting and instructive. They hold great lessons that are transferrable to any field. Those include history, physics, meditation, Zen Buddhism, and breathing techniques.

I like to think that by reading all these books you will learn just about everything you need to know about life.

This is a running list. I add on to it as I discover gems. Dig in:

The book list

  1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
  2. Thinking Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  3. Principles: Life & Work by Ray Dalio
  4. Mastery by Robert Greene
  5. The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene
  6. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
  7. Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoğlu, James A. Robinson
  8. Good to Great by Jim Collins
  9. Measure What Matters by John Doerr
  10. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande
  11. The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel by Kati Marton
  12. Value: The Four Cornerstones of Corporate Finance by McKinsey & Company, Inc. , Tim Koller , Richard Dobbs , Bill Huyett
  13. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
  14. Financial Shenanigans by Howard Schilit
  15. Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein
  16. An Everyone Culture by Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey
  17. The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
  18. Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh 
  19. Radical Candor by Kim Scott
  20. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
  21. Uplifting Service by Ron Kaufman
  22. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Stephen R. Covey, Joseph Grenny
  23. Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bet-David
  24. Motivational Interviewing by William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick
  25. Originals by Adam Grant
  26. Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  27. Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund
  28. Data Science by John D. Kelleher, Brendan Tierney
  29. Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows
  30. How Google Works by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg
  31. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink, Leif Babin
  32. Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
  33. The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K. Liker, Gary L. Convis
  34. Quiet by Susan Cain
  35. Lee Kuan Yew by Graham Allison, Robert D. Blackwill, Ali Wyne, Lee Kuan Yew
  36. The Box by Marc Levinson
  37. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  38. The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday
  39. The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
  40. Switch by Dan Heath, Chip Heath
  41. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  42. Getting Things Done by David Allen
  43. Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less by Jim Vandehei , Mike Allen , Roy Schwartz
  44. Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond
  45. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond
  46. Rubicon by Tom Holland
  47. Persian Fire by Tom Holland
  48. SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard
  49. The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius
  50. History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
  51. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
  52. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
  53. Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph by T.E. Lawrence
  54. River Out of Eden by Richard Dawkins
  55. Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb
  56. Reality is Not What it Seems by Carlo Rovelli
  57. Seven Brief Lessons in Physics by Carlo Rovelli
  58. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  59. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
  60. Quantum Space by Jim Baggott
  61. Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life by Helen Czerski
  62. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein
  63. What Is Life by Erwin Schrodinger
  64. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  65. Letters from a Stoic by Seneca
  66. The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh
  67. Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh
  68. Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
  69. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
  70. Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel
  71. Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
  72. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
  73. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  74. Breath by James Nestor
  75. Brain Energy by Christopher M. Palmer